“Discovering Exmoor Ponies” tells the story of a remarkable and very rare pony. Few animals are as enigmatic as the Exmoor Pony. On the one hand, full of natural wisdom and able to live independently in the wild. Yet, once tamed and trained, willing to place their trust in people.
Film-maker Alan Tibbitts spent a year capturing both Exmoor pony worlds, filming on Exmoor and throughout the British Isles: free-living ponies in blizzards, torrential rain and soft, summer sun; herds being gathered in from the moors in the autumn; scenes of ponies roaming free againts the backdrop of lochs and mountains in Scotland.
The film also explores the lives of ponies that leave the wild existence and reveals the wide ranfe of activities they are capable of with people: endurance riding; trekking; showing; competitive and pleasure driving; riding and driving for the disabled; and providing so much enjoyment and fun.